Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
Boosting Business Analysis Career Paths
Beyond the Hype: Cloud Computing in Analytics
Machine learning (ML) techniques, often referred to as predictive analytics or marketing analytics, are becoming commonplace in business and research alike. Regardless of name, all refer to the process of collecting and processing data along with the subsequent application of mathematical analysis to gain valuable insights.
SoLoMo Analytics
Social networking, mobility, and analytics are among the key topics for the enterprise today, as companies attempt to leverage social networks for insights, provide on-the-road access to data, and integrate an increasing realm of data into the diversified range of analytics possibilities provided by Big Data.
Design and Delivery of Business Analysis Training
The Latency Cube: An Heuristic to Performance Engineering and Tuning Data Processing Systems
Big Data is inevitable and low latency is the need of the hour. Effectiveness in processing data has never been so relevant. If not engineered well, data processing systems that operate on Big Data are sure to suffer from performance problems. In this Executive Update, we explore an intuitive heuristic that will enable the user to understand the technical tradeoffs and learn how to performance engineer as well as tune a data processing system to effectiveness.
Developing Mobile Software: Part II -- Lessons from a Leaking Ceiling
One of the most popular articles ever written for the Harvard Business Review was authored by Frederick Herzberg in 1968. 1 In it, Herzberg proposed a re
Achieving Enduring and Sustainable Cost Reduction
Retail Analytics and Behavioral Operations: A Recipe for Superior Performance
In the high-pressure retail environment of the 21st century, industry leaders looking for every competitive advantage are increasingly relying on analytics. This Executive Update explores how to blend analytics with behavioral research for operational success.
The Power of Thank You
When you first started to talk, after "Dada," "Mama," "cat," and "dog," your parents probably taught you the importance of saying, "please" and "thank you." For most toddlers, "please" comes fairly easily. When you say "please" you're more likely to get what you want. The cause and effect is immediate. But "thank you" -- as I'll explain in this Executive Update -- is another story. "Thank you" is about goodwill -- and the future.
Predictive Goals of Big Data
Cloud Computing: Growing Up Fast
Just a couple of years ago, we were witnessing -- and some of us were deploring -- the "irrational exuberance" as well as the uncontrolled fears of many customers and decision makers about cloud computing. But a strange thing has happened since then: the discussion has quickly become much more reasoned, with a surprisingly good balance of proactive concern for the risks and a genuine desire to experiment with new solutions.
Cloud Computing: Growing Up Fast
IT Governance: Bureaucratic Logjam or Business Enabler?
Do We Have To Hug? Part III -- Outcomes
In Part I of this Executive Update series, we looked at the barriers to and possible benefits of collaboration. I examined the "four pillars of collaboration," which provide a foundation that supports collaboration and collaborative structures.
The Conjoined Twins of Leadership and Risk Management: Inseparable and Indispensible
The corporate world is littered with the carcasses of enterprises, large and small, wounded -- some mortally -- by failures of the "conjoined twins" of leadership and risk management. Why are these two concepts referred to as "conjoined twins"? Because neither can function without the other.
An Agile PMO Transformation: Top 8 Dos and Don'ts
Being Agile with People You Can't See: Virtual Communication
Enterprise Architecture: Discipline, Process, or Thing?
The Future of the Collaborative Workplace
Reframing Frameworks: Part IV -- TOGAF
In Part I of this four-part Executive Update series, I provided an overview of how and why frameworks are so valuable and nec
Real-Time CEP, Big Data, and the Cloud
The enterprise Big Data landscape includes various types of data, including historical, transactional, images, and message-based streams. In turn, this data can be structured or unstructured. Importantly, the treatment and analysis of data is different for different types of data (see Figure 1). For example: