Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
What Is a Platform Strategy and Why Do You Need It?
Enabling Future IT Leaders
Mobile Devices, Marketing, and Content Management Systems
In past Executive Updates, I have examined various issues relating to executing mobile applications in response to increased consumer demand for access to websites via mobile devices as well as some decision frameworks for determining the best operating system for your organization's mobile applications.
Reframing Frameworks: Part III -- The Information FrameWork
Achieving Balance in Agile Adoption
In addition to changes in day-to-day practices, being agile requires a cultural shift across your organization. This Executive Update discusses how to balance agile values and practices when transitioning to an agile approach by using as examples three of the more common practices: pair programming, issue tracking, and unit testing.
Deliberate Communication
Data Warehousing and Industry Data Models
Reframing Frameworks: Part II -- The Zachman Framework
Log Analysis for SLA Management
Customer-Friendly Analytics
Attention IT: Technology Is Not the Way to Collaboration
CEP Technologies Optimize Modern Business
Certain business situations require analytics to monitor operations as close as possible to real time. However, delays caused by moving data in the repository for its analytical treatment are usually too long to enable companies to respond efficiently to queries -- or to take actions in real time. One of today's biggest challenges is the need to act efficiently amid the huge volumes of constantly changing information.
CEP Technologies Optimize Modern Business
From Agile Requirements to Agile Code
Reframing Frameworks: Part I -- Making EA Frameworks Your Ally
While frameworks are generally seen as a necessary theoretical backbone for architecture, they are often perceived as being too abstract, with little direct relevance in the architect's daily routine. But for experienced enterprise architects, frameworks are a constant guide, used to direct and manage everything they do. Why, then, is such a useful architectural tool so frequently overlooked or underused?
Reframing Frameworks: Part I -- Making EA Frameworks Your Ally
While frameworks are generally seen as a necessary theoretical backbone for architecture, they are often perceived as being too abstract, with little direct relevance in the architect's daily routine. But for experienced enterprise architects, frameworks are a constant guide, used to direct and manage everything they do.
The Project Manager as Negotiator
Is the project manager expected to act as a negotiator, too? The answer: you better believe it! It may not be an "official" expectation, but a project manager who isn't prepared to face negotiation situations during the life of a project is not really prepared. The need for negotiation will happen -- trust me. And it will happen when you're not even aware it's happening.
Do We Have to Hug? Part II -- Collaboration Tools
In Part I of this Executive Update series, we looked at the barriers to and possible benefits of collaboration.