Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
Breaking the Mystique of Coaching in IT
Coaching is one of the fastest-growing consulting services of the 21st century. Much like the athletic coach committed to taking athletes to higher levels of performance, the business or leadership coach empowers individuals and teams to achieve their best. Coaching is increasingly being used by organizations as part of a leadership and management development strategy -- as a tool to help leaders enhance their skills and as a powerful means for people to learn and achieve their potential.
Enterprise Mashup: What It Means to Your Organization -- Part I
This Executive Update is the first in a two-part series that looks at the results of a recent Cutter survey on the use of enterprise application mashups in organizations. 1 Here in Part I, we look at the different ways to define enterprise mashups, evaluate the use of and interest in mashups in organizations, and examine the use of best-of-breed resources.
The Missing Pragmatic Link in the Semantic Web
While we are still trying to get our heads around the concepts and terminologies surrounding the Semantic Web, hints of a "Pragmatic Web" are finding their way into conversations and exchanges as some important new idea that is lurking in the background and hasn't quite yet made it onto the IT agenda.
Coaching: The Core Skill Required for 21st-Century Leaders
Studies indicate that coaching can significantly improve bottom-line performance and may make the difference between business success and failure. It is not news that organizations are under intense pressure to improve and to innovate. Reliance on knowledge workers who demand a voice in shaping their work requires new managerial skills to engage employees, and organizational leaders are finding that different cultural norms and behaviors are required to harness the knowledge of their employees.
Risk Assessments? You Bet!
In prediction markets, such as Intrade, TradeSports, and the Iowa Electronic Markets, a broad range of people express their opinions about future events in politics, economics, or sports by backing them with small bets. The results are reliable predictions of the probabilities of these future events.
Benchmarking Your Outsourcing Contract: Clauses
Benchmarking of outsourcing contracts has recently become a highly desired practice by client organizations, but it is often poorly executed. It can be a difficult and expensive process regardless of how services are sourced, internally or externally. In Part I of this two-part Executive Update series (Vol.
Virtualization: Current Issues and Strategies
Virtualization has become increasingly important in data centers over the past several years, as companies have sought to contain costs, reduce physical server use, and improve efficiency. In this Executive Update, we'll examine the current issues and strategies in the virtualization realm.
The Agile Project Management Revolution
With any new approach, there will be those who think it's the best thing since sliced bread, those who think it's just a fad, and those who simply don't care. When it comes to agile project management, however, everyone should be paying attention, because it really does matter. It's not just a management fad; it's a wake-up call for an industry that has an awful track record and is in need of serious help.
Net Neutrality
The controversy over Net neutrality raised its head again when the Associated Press reported in October 2007 that Comcast was throttling peer-to-peer (P2P) Internet traffic. Proponents of Net neutrality saw it as the smoking gun that definitively proves the need for Net neutrality legislation. The debate and the various calls for legislated remedies have introduced an air of uncertainty in the marketplace.
What the Kids Need to Know About IT: An Open Letter to B-School Deans
In this Executive Update, Cutter Consortium Fellow Steve Andriole offers his expert advice as to the type of business technology education today's undergraduates should be receiving. These students will be your future IT employees. What do you think these students should be learning from their coursework? Read on to see whether you agree with his recommendations.
Enterprise-Wide SOA: Case Studies and Lessons Learned
While CORBA has less than a handful of program language bindings, Web services clients can be a JavaServer Page, servlet, or Java application or an executable written in languages such as C++, Perl, Visual Basic, JavaScript, and so on -- it's a truly ubiquitous protocol.
The Most Effective Alignment Comes Through ITIL
Through the exploration of the latest version of the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL V3), organizations that covet alignment between business units and the IT organization will discover that ITIL V3 has a lot to say about this elusive objective -- so much, in fact, that companies serious in their intentions will discover that with adoption of the framework, they'll get alignment at no extra charge. You see, in ITIL, alignment is not really an objective but rather the organic, unmanipulated outgrowth of successful framework adoption.
The Business Implications of SOA
Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is meant to enable greater flexibility and improved alignment between business processes and applications. By separating individual services and permitting them to be provided in composite applications, the concept has some revolutionary consequences for IT infrastructure. It is also aligned with business process management (BPM), and some tout it as a paradigm-shifting technology. Most large companies are now implementing SOA in some form, and success stories are starting to command attention.
Mining Blogs for Business Benefits
Blogs and other social media tools have become quite a permanent phenomenon in the online world. Today, the tremendous community interaction on blogs is a potential hotbed for companies ever eager to gain market insights. Naturally, companies are setting up blogging infrastructures and engaging themselves in eliciting information from these blogs.
Going for Agility? Start with a Management Framework
The word "agile" is equipped with an easily understood definition and a lot of street buzz in management circles today. There's no company that would not want this adjective affixed to its reputation. What a definition does not provide is a process roadmap for that successful leap from ponderous to agile. A simple framework can serve as the starting point for that jump.
Avoiding Buyer's Remorse with Agile: Part II
In the first Executive Update of this two-part series (Vol. 9, No. 4), I presented a case study that illustrated the challenges a company implementing agile methodologies might face if it did not consider three specific implementation objectives:
Organizational support
Learning from a Privacy Ombudsman: A Case Study to Establish a Healthcare Services Ombudsman
Despite an organization's best efforts to create a positive experience with their customers, patients, and employees, and to provide the most effective safeguards possible for personally identifiable information (PII), there will always be issues and incidents that occur to create dissatisfaction and friction.
Software Supply Chain Optimization
Industrial manufacturers depend on streamlined supply chains to build products. Retailers live and die based on their optimal supply chains. Likewise, manufacturers of electronic products -- such as mobile handsets, consumer electronics, communications equipment, and other intelligent devices -- rely heavily on distributed developers, outsourcers, software vendors, and even open source. Then, why not treat this software ecosystem as an embedded software supply chain and try to optimize it?
Tactics for a New Era: What Startups and Wind-Downs Do Now
We don't need to hear from Nick Carr, 1 we don't need another industry briefing, and we don't need the guys on CNBC talking about the sea change called Google. The industry was shifting long before all of these smart people learned how to monetize the trend with catchy phrases, titles, and insights.
Data Center Environmental Opportunities
Concerns about the environment haven't been at this fever pitch since the early 1970s. With the relentless stream of current news articles demanding green action on the part of corporations as well as government, it is no surprise that attention is focused on the IT activities of the enterprise. The need for additional computing performance and value delivery to the corporation is causing a growing problem inflamed by rapidly escalating electric utility costs.
Reinventing Enterprise-Wide Security: Dispatches from an Embedded Journalist at the Edge of SOA -- Part I
I never thought I would see the day that the firewall would have outlived its useful life. However, with the advent of WS-Security, which includes functionality for confidentiality, authentication, and integrity, the firewall may be an endangered technology. 1 Witness the fact that I am now hearing security professionals within large corporations actually talking about the possibility of doing away with firewalls.
Web 2.0 Reference Model: Realizing Web 2.0 Principles in Enterprises -- Part II
Despite the promises of Web 2.0, few organizations have actually applied Web 2.0 principles in any significant way. Enterprises need something to assist them in realizing the potential of Web 2.0. Therefore, in Part I (Vol. 8, No. 2) of this two-part Executive Update series, we proposed the Web 2.0 Reference Model, which provides a holistic perspective for enterprises to consider the many constituents and factors that lead to the realization of Web 2.0 principles.
Avoiding Buyer's Remorse with Agile: Part I
Are you a corporate leader or upper-level manager considering whether to implement one of the agile methodologies, such as XP, Scrum, Dynamic Systems Development Method, or others, because you have heard about its ability to deliver increased quality, business value, and customer satisfaction? If so, you are not alone.