Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

The Time Has Come for a Chief Offshoring Officer

John Berry

The quip to emerge from business process offshoring's growing prominence is this: if you want to avoid being laid off from offshoring, then become the person who manages all the offshoring initiatives in your organization. Surely someone has to hang around to turn off the lights at the end of the day.

Business Technology Trends to Consider

Steve Andriole

So what the hell is going on in our industry anyway? Should we be happy, or should we be worried? Here are five things to think about.

The Rise and Rise of Open Source Software: Part I

Tom Welsh
The Rise and Rise of Open Source Software series: Part I Part II

IT Marketing: The Forgotten Function -- Part II

Kenneth Rau
IT Marketing: The Forgotten Function Part I Part II

Performance Management Methods: Patterns of Usage

Bob Benson, Tom Bugnitz, Tom Bugnitz, Tom Walton, William Walton, William Walton, Kaleb Walton
  Survey on IT Performance Measurement and Management Practices: Business Impact Measures Are Still Needed

Enterprise Architecture Governance: Keeping It Simple

Paul Ramsay

In 1972, Oliver Wight wrote the book The Executive's New Computer: Six Keys to Systems Success. It is literally dedicated to the proposition that "systems are tools for the manager, not toys for the technician ... and it is about time we dispensed with all the pious nonsense about computer systems and got down to business" [2].

Driving Revenue Growth Through Computer Technology

Edmund Chandrasekhar

A company can grow revenue in three basic ways: (1) by stimulating sales of existing products through improved pricing and promotion; (2) by acquiring new business lines or entire companies; and (3) by increasing overall sales through the introduction of new products.

Through the Looking Glass: A Journey into the World of Risky Opportunities

Donna Fitzgerald

In this Executive Update, I'd like to take you on a journey into a world where risk and opportunity are synonymous and good project managers (PMs) are routinely asked to believe at least four impossible things before breakfast (to paraphrase the Red Queen from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass).

Enterprise Security Risk: Barriers to Consider

Julia Allen

Editor's note: This Executive Update is excerpted from the Software Engineering Institute's Governing for Enterprise Security (©2005 Carnegie Mellon University). Permission has been granted to Cutter Consortium to reproduce.

Relationship Values Charter: Managing Good Behaviors in Outsourcing Arrangements

Sara Cullen

With the paramount importance of technology in the postindustrial era, outsourcing inevitably creates a strategic partnering relationship as the organization and its suppliers acknowledge greater levels of interdependence. As running and maintaining the arrangement is an ongoing collaborative process that requires working as a team, the parties need to be acting in concert.

Business Impact Measures Are Still Needed

Bob Benson, Tom Bugnitz, William Walton
A lack of congruity between shifting management concerns about IT and the performance measures actually used by IT can create serious governance issues and handicap IT performance. Our objective is to look at IT performance measures within the context of a basic IT governance stage model.

IT Marketing: The Forgotten Function -- Part I

Kenneth Rau
IT Marketing: The Forgotten Function Part I Part II

Applistructure: Who, What, When, Where, and Why?

Mike Rosen

As if our current buzzwords had already run their course, or we didn't have enough to last us, a new buzzword has hit the enterprise architecture and application scene. "Applistructure" describes the latest trend to combine enterprise business applications with enterprise infrastructure.