Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

Software Archeology

Don Estes

There is a great deal of advice available on strategies for implementing new technology and for new methodologies for project management, but effective advice is relatively rare for those many sites with stranded investments in legacy IT systems and their respective support organizations.

Project Failure: Is It Real or Is It Metrics?

Donna Fitzgerald, Brett Ritchie, Warren Ritchie

At a recent project management conference, one of the speakers trotted out the same old project failure statistics we've been hearing since 1995. The speaker concluded that project failure is still rampant, and if would we just try a little harder and control a little more (by installing new systems and new methods), we could finally fix the problem.

The Myth of Guaranteed Delivery

Don Estes

Several recent architecture assignments have brought up what I am starting to think of as a new urban myth: guaranteed delivery of products unequivocally guarantees delivery of messages. This is my chance to rant out this annoyance.

What's Old Is New Again: A Look at Work Management Application Software

Donna Fitzgerald

Managing work assignments is one of the top challenges in most organizations. The individuals doing the work feel scattered and overwhelmed by the volume of assignments that keep coming their way, while their managers feel caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

Outsourcing Evolution: SWOT Assessments

Sara Cullen

A SWOT analysis is a tool used for many purposes in business. The acronym stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. As shown in Figure 1, strengths and weaknesses represent internal factors; opportunities and threats represent external factors. Strengths and opportunities are to be built or maintained; weaknesses and threats are to be eliminated or mitigated.

Integrating IT Performance Management with Business Process Management: Where Are We?

Bob Benson, Tom Bugnitz, Tom Bugnitz, Tom Walton, William Walton, William Walton, Kaleb Walton
  Survey on IT Performance Measurement and Management Practices: Business Impact Measures Are Still Needed

User Interface Design for Computing Systems

Chaitra Schuster

Two powerful information-processing systems exist in the world: the human mind and the digital computer. The main connection between the two is the display of information, commonly called a user interface (UI).

Improvements in Business Intelligence Tools: Part I

John Harney
  Improvements in Business Intelligence Tools series: Part I Part II

Improvements in Business Intelligence Tools: Part II

John Harney
  Improvements in Business Intelligence Tools series: Part I Part II

What Does It Take to Assemble a Successful Software Project Team? Part II: Agile Adventurers

Laurent Bossavit
  What Does It Take to Assemble a Successful Software Project Team? Part I Part II: Agile Adventurers

Thinking the Unthinkable

Donna Fitzgerald, Brett Ritchie, Warren Ritchie

Defining and Determining Adequate Security

Julia Allen

Editor's note: This Executive Update is excerpted from the Software Engineering Institute's Governing for Enterprise Security (©2005 Carnegie Mellon University). Permission has been granted to Cutter Consortium to reproduce.