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Back to the Future: Herding 3,000 Cats Through the Wormhole
Recently, I was struck by a solution recommended to a major real estate company, a solution that I had a hand in crafting. I was also struck by how the adage "Everything that goes around comes around" is still so true. While we don't talk that much anymore about dumb terminals or green screens, we do talk about thin clients, server-based computing, and portals all the time.
Software Configuration Management: The Broader Purposes of SCM Tools
The Content Mirage
Analytic CRM: BI and CRM Integration Issues
Why Is Agile Development So Scary?
Agile methods are not appropriate for certain development projects that have special requirements. But in many cases, organizations resist using an agile approach on any project. Why?
Agile Skills for Agile Managers
The Winds of Change: Basel II
Utility Computing: Perceptions and Strategies
Utility Computing: Deployment, Implementation, and Management of Utility Computing Solutions
Utility Computing: Which Utility Computing Solution Providers Do Enterprises Prefer and Why?
Beyond the Role of IT Director: Glass Ceiling or Escalator? -- Part I
Beyond the Role of IT Director: Glass Ceiling or Escalator? -- Part II
Back to the Future: Herding 3,000 Cats Through the Wormhole
Why IT Leadership Fails
The Challenge: Running IT Like a Business
Software Configuration Management: Features and Capabilities
Business Performance Management: Key Performance Indicators
Measuring Up to Metrics: Part III -- Overcoming Project Complexity
How Do Agile Teams Manage Risk?
Risk Cultural Revolution
NASA kicked off its safety climate and culture change initiative in February 2004, as a result of the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB), which examined the February 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia accident. CAIB had determined that NASA's safety climate and culture contributed just as much to the accident as did any technical or physical reasons.
Regular Backup Checkups: Ensure Adequate Protection as Business Needs Evolve
Contemporary businesses run on the data they create, store, and access. We perform data backups to mitigate the risks associated with losing this critical data. We must ensure that our backups provide adequate protection from the ways in which our vital data might be lost.
Experimentation and Breakthrough Innovation
Experimentation is essential to the growth of all organizations. It fuels the discovery and creation of knowledge and leads to the development and improvement of products, processes, and business models. Without experimentation, we might still use rocks as tools and live in caves. With breakthrough technologies, it is now possible to perform a greater number of experiments in an economically viable way to accelerate the drive toward innovation.