Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
Open Source Portals
The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture
Recently, I talked with several senior IT executives who, in different ways, asked about the purpose of enterprise architecture (EA). Now, "What's EA's purpose?" is a good question because it asks what the value of EA is and how that value can be measured.
Mitigating Large Software Project Risk Through Organic Growth
Using an "organic growth" approach to developing software with agile methods can reduce project risk. With organic growth, one creates a large system by starting with a small running system that performs at least one important task well. Then the small system is continually expanded until it fulfills the project goals.
Governance Requires Systems Thinking
Perspectives on Governance
As George Bernard Shaw, the Irish dramatist once said, "England and America are two countries divided by a common language." The same could be said for their respective approaches to corporate governance. In this Executive Update, we look at how the UK approaches corporate governance and how its philosophy differs from that of the US.
Send Your SLAs Offshore
Not-So-Core Competencies
Preventative Law: Disentanglement Clauses in IT Outsourcing Agreements -- Part I
Preventative Law: Disentanglement Clauses in IT Outsourcing Agreements -- Part II
Eyes Wide Open
CIOs Are Shopping Again: What They Plan to Buy in 2005
Software Configuration Management: Strengths and Weaknesses
Software Configuration Management: Tools and Platforms
The Purpose of Enterprise Architecture
Recently, I talked with several senior IT executives who, in different ways, asked about the purpose of enterprise architecture (EA). Now, "What's EA's purpose?" is a good question because it asks what the value of EA is and how that value can be measured.
Business Performance Management: Data Integration Requirements
Open Source Portals
Measuring Up to Metrics: Part II -- Are Software Organizations Managing by Data?
Predictable Surprises
Recent enterprise risk management (ERM) snafus illustrate the importance of organizational preparedness in the face of surprise. Consider the following examples.