Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

BI Trends and Futures

Brian Dooley

Using the Retrospective for Positive Change

Diana Larsen

In every organization, upper levels of leadership are deeply involved with continuous organizational change. In response to rapidly variable internal and external business needs, leaders seek ways to improve processes, quality, and customer relationships.

Business Mechanics 101: Repairing Your Engine

Howard Webb
  Business Mechanics 101 series: Know Your Engine

Data Integration Compliance

Dan Linstedt

The purpose of this Executive Update is to discuss the conundrum of data integration and compliance as well as the roles that IT must play when addressing compliance issues.

Metadata: "Watch Out for That Tree!"

Andy Maher

It has been said that information is merely the correlation and selection of data and that, by extension, knowledge is the correlation and selection of information. I have said it myself. I was wrong.

Absorbing Sarbanes-Oxley Within the Agile Community

Charles Butler, Gary Richardson

IT as a Permanent Fixture in the Boardroom: An ERM&G Perspective, Part I

Robert Charette
  IT as a Permanent Fixture in the Boardroom: An ERM&G Perspective Part I Part II