Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
The Value of Clear, Consistent Communication
Companies and their suppliers interact daily about a variety of issues, including logistics, product specs, pricing, lead times, change orders, and so on. This exchange of information often occurs between numerous individuals across multiple functions and business units, making coordination of communication and decision making both difficult and critical.
Why IT Is Now a Board-Level Concern
Most of the average company's capital investment portfolio is tied to information technology, and organizations today can't do without their information systems.
When Best Practices Become Worst Practices
Radical Management and Strategy: Part VII -- Who Owns What?
Overmanaged and Underled
Service-Oriented Architecture: Part IV -- Development and Ownership
Sarbanes-Oxley: More than Meets the Eye
The Path to "Healthy" Projects
The Software Modeling Revival: How to Avoid Being Stranded in the Desert
Can Outsourcing Business Intelligence Pay Off?
Editor's Note: This Executive Update is adapted from the 2003 Cutter Consortium Business Intelligence Advisory Service Executive Report"Outsourcing Your Business Intelligence: Maximize Impact and Minimize Investment." We believe you'll find it to be a thought-provoking piece on business intelligence (BI) activities as candidates for outsourcing.
How Do Data Warehousing Practices Affect BI Efforts?
How well do an organization's data warehousing practices support enterprise business intelligence (BI) efforts? In April 2004, Cutter Consortium conducted a survey of 145 worldwide end-user organizations on the adoption and use of data warehousing and BI technology in an effort to answer this question.
Software Teams -- Your Most Important Asset: Part III: Evolve or Dissolve
Why Teamwork Remains Hit or Miss
Sourcing Strategies for Utility Computing Solutions
Utility computing has been named one of the top 10 technology trends of this decade. Yet many business executives and even some IT executives are still uncertain about what utility computing means and are unsure of its future impact on their IT operations and business objectives.
Does the CMM Influence Outsourcing Decisions?
Is the Software Engineering Institute's (SEI) Software Capability Maturity Model® (SW-CMM®) influencing outsourcing decisions?