Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

Paths and Practices for Agile Coaches

David Hussman

Any advice concerning agile coaching must begin with the caveat that no one individual owns this space. What is possible, and what I will try to do in this Executive Update, is to present a few guidelines that may help new or working coaches.

Outsourcing Value and Management: Part IV

Danny Ertel
  Outsourcing Value and Management series: Part I Part II

Offshore Outsourcing -- Trends and Fallout: Part I

Ed Yourdon
  Offshore Outsourcing -- Trends and Fallout series: Part I

Bridging the BI Disconnect Between Corporate IT and Business

Greg Mancuso, Jorge Moreno, Greg Moreno, Al Moreno

Finding the True Value of Outsourcing

David Herron

The financial benefits of outsourcing are well documented, but what about the value delivered? Is there an effective way to measure the true value that is being delivered to the end user?

Outsourcing Value and Management: Part III

John Kim
  Outsourcing Value and Management series: Part I Part II

Outsourcing Value and Management: Part II

Danny Ertel, Sara Enlow
  Outsourcing Value and Management series: Part I Part II