Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

The Current and Future States of Agile Processes

Cutter Consortium, Cutter Consortium

Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals: Part I

Curt Hall
  Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals series: Part I

Project Management Husbandry Redux: Part III

Robert Charette
  Project Management Husbandry Redux series: Part I Part II

Technology Procurement and Vendor Management Practices: Part II

Eric Buel
  Technology Procurement and Vendor Management Practices series: Part I Part II Part III

Getting the Most Out of Your Outsourcing SLAs (Part II in a Series)

Barbara Beech
  Getting the Most Out of Your SLAs series: Part I Part II

Getting the Most Out of Your Outsourcing SLAs (Part I in a Series)

Barbara Beech
  Getting the Most Out of Your SLAs series: Part I Part II

Project Management Husbandry Redux: Part II

Robert Charette
  Project Management Husbandry Redux series: Part I Part II