Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

The Most Important Negotiation Strategies and Issues

Ditka Reiner

As a professional negotiator, I am always surprised at the poor quality of the contracts that I have to renegotiate. They are often created by intelligent and well-meaning folks, who unfortunately are not experienced in the negotiation process and who therefore do not understand the pitfalls that may lie ahead.

Aligning IT Training Strategies with ROI

Robert Pillar

As a result of tough economic conditions over the past few years, IT budgets have been exposed to intense scrutiny. They have become subject to solid business metrics such as earned value and return on investment (ROI). As a result, new trends are emerging concerning the perception of IT training within the workplace.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Implications for the CIO

David Rasmussen, Wendell Jones, Jeanette Jones, Peter Jones, Simon Jones, Edward Jones, Renee Jones, Frank Jones, Capers Jones, Wendell Jones, Cheryl Jones, Andrew Jones, David Jones, Daniel Jones

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the US federal government's reaction to the corporate debacles of Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, and several other companies. The law requires specific financial reporting by public companies, with severe penalties for willful misrepresentation of financial results or forecasts.

Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals: Part III -- Success and Benefits

Curt Hall
  Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals series: Part I

Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals: Part II -- Application Trends

Curt Hall
  Corporate Adoption of Enterprise Information Portals series: Part I

Project Management Husbandry Redux: Part IV

Robert Charette
  Project Management Husbandry Redux series: Part I Part II

Project Management Husbandry Redux: Part V

Robert Charette
  Project Management Husbandry Redux series: Part I Part II

Technology Procurement and Vendor Management Practices (Part III)

Eric Buel
  Technology Procurement and Vendor Management Practices series: Part I Part II Part III

Laying the Groundwork for Outsourcing

William Zucker

There are many reasons organizations consider outsourcing. Cutting costs is the most obvious; some others include the following:

Corporate IT Spending Outlook for 2004 -- Part III: Where Companies Are Putting Their Money

George Westerman
  Corporate IT Spending Outlook for 2004 series: Part I

The CIO's Agenda: Looking Back at 2003 and Ahead to 2004

Cutter Consortium, Cutter Consortium

What were the top issues on the CIO's agenda in 2003, and what looms in 2004? We asked Cutter Consortium Senior Consultants Steve Andriole, Mark Cotteleer, and Peter O'Farrell these and other questions pertaining to the role of the CIO in this and the coming year.

The Current and Future States of Agile Processes

Cutter Consortium, Cutter Consortium

Outsourcing Helps Elevate Status of Retail CIOs

Cathy Hotka

Are you sick of trying to align IT with your business? Tired of hearing how to match business-unit needs with IT realities? Want to spend more time on the core business process? The retail industry, in particular, is already embarking on a move toward business and IT alignment.