Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.
IT Outsourcing Is Growing and Satisfying Most Customers
Surprises in ERP Projects: Part I
Does IT Matter? Answering a Controversial Report
Considerations in Groupware Concepts and Tools Designs
Groupware today has been interpreted and misinterpreted differently by different people. Organizations spend lots of money on groupware implementations and end up not utilizing the applications that are available.
Corporate Data Mining Trends: Part II -- Text Mining
Software Testing: Paying Now or Paying Later -- Part I: Paying Now
The IT Burnout Phenomenon (Part II) Battling Burnout (or Not) in IT
Tough Love? Or Empowerment?
Come Together: Business Collaboration Meets Technology Integration
Who's Leading the Way Among Web Services Vendors?
Managing Innovation: What We Think in 2003
Despite the bursting of the technology bubble in 2000, the pace of technological innovation remains fast. However, many companies today are tempering their interest in new computing and communications technologies because of fear instilled by that implosion. Technology spending has been nothing short of anemic since 2000.
Quality: The Key to Software Profitablity
The issue of software quality is a bit like the weather -- everyone complains, but no one has been able to do anything about it. With that in mind, consider the following four scenarios.
Adoption of Web Services Standards
Open Source: Weaving a Corporate Tapestry
Would you believe me if I told you it's possible to obtain software, costing a fraction of what you currently pay, that's fully capable of running your enterprise?
A Fresh Look at Software Quality: Part III -- Asking "How Do You Know?"
ASPs: Making the Decision
For many companies, the decision to use an ASP is an easy one. After all, ASPs can provide all the benefits of an enterprise software package without much of the burden of software ownership. Eliminated are the cost of building and maintaining proprietary software, supporting and upgrading hardware and other IT infrastructure, and other components of the total cost of software ownership.
Properly Framing Service-Level Agreements
Cybersecurity: An Action Agenda
Cracking the Whip on Asset Management
You're responsible for managing the 40,000 user accounts and 53,500 computers for your company. It's 9 am on Monday. Do you know where your users' computers are? Do you have any idea what software and applications are running?