Find analysis of data from Cutter's ongoing industry research efforts, brief treatments of topics that don't require the in-depth research of an Executive Report, updates on previously-covered topics, and more, in 2-4 page Executive Updates.

The Interplay Between OLAP and Data Mining

Ken Collier

Online analytical processing (OLAP) is a powerful and essential tool in every BI toolbox, enabling decisionmakers to easily explore operational data in powerful ways. OLAP is fundamentally a descriptive tool. It provides intelligence about what has happened and can trigger an effective, albeit reactive, response.

A Fresh Look at Software Quality: Part I -- What Does Quality Really Mean?

E.M. Bennatan
  A Fresh Look at Software Quality series: Part I

A Pragmatic Work Breakdown Structure

Peter Schuh

Can work be too structured?

A Fresh Look at Software Quality: Part II -- Quality Is Improving ... Or Is It?

E.M. Bennatan
  A Fresh Look at Software Quality series: Part I

XP Holds a Cure for IT Burnout

Chaitanya Nadkarny

The project is delayed. The team is missing deadlines despite schedule revisions. The quality of software is not up to the mark. The best developers are leaving the company. Customers are complaining.

Thinking Counts When It Comes to Strategy

Steve Andriole

Some companies constantly adjust their strategy -- business models, processes, and responses to the competition -- while other companies have offices of strategic planning, which conduct annual strategic planning exercises that involve lots of senior people and take several months to complete.

Supply Chain Intelligence: Development Issues (Part VII)

Curt Hall
  Supply Chain Intelligence: Development Issues series: Part I

Business Technology Management: Annual Overview of 2002

Steve Andriole

Sometimes it helps to step back a little and assess how we're doing, to identify the management trends that seem to be taking hold. The data we have collected over the past year suggests a number of trends -- mostly good -- that we should identify and discuss. These include:

An Enterprise Data Architecture

Ken Orr

"Adopt thy partners. The real-time enterprise must span the physical boundaries of an enterprise and should extend as a virtual enterprise through the entire end-to-end chain. For example, Colgate-Palmolive trimmed its inventory 13% and saved [US] $150 million by attaching its order planning systems to thousands of Wal-Mart and Kmart cash registers.

Supply Chain Intelligence: Development Issues (Part VI)

Curt Hall
  Supply Chain Intelligence: Development Issues series: Part I

Improve Your Chances of Becoming Agile: Part I

Wayne Bailey
  Improve Your Chances of Becoming Agile series:Part I Part II

Improve Your Chances of Becoming Agile: Part II

Wayne Bailey
  Improve Your Chances of Becoming Agile series: Part IPart II