Denis Dennehy
Denis Dennehy is Associate Professor of Business Analytics and School Research Lead at the School of Management, Swansea University, Wales, UK. His research primarily focuses on the mediating role of technologies and its implications for teams, organizations, and society. He has worked on several industry-oriented research projects funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Enterprise Ireland, Science Foundation Ireland, Erasmus+, and Irish Aid. These projects have been informed through extensive engagement with various organizations, including Dell, Intel, Fexco, Leading Edge Group, Texuna, Kepak Group, and not-for-profit organizations in Kenya. Dr. Dennehy's research has been published in leading journals, including Information and Management, Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and IEEE. He is Co-Editor-in-Chief for Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Senior Editor for Information Technology and People, and has edited several special issues related to his field. Dr. Dennehy earned an MBA and PhD in business information systems from Univeristy College Cork, Ireland. He can be reached at denis.dennehy@swansea.ac.uk. He can be reached at denis.dennehy@swansea.ac.uk