George Hurlburt
George Hurlburt is Chief Scientist at STEMCorp. He serves on the board of advisors for a state regional center and sits on the IEEE IT Professional editorial board as Associate Editor for Departments and Columns. Mr. Hurlburt retired with a Meritorious Civilian Service Award after 38 years as a Navy Senior Systems Analyst, where he pioneered collaborative network architectures for the US Department of Defense and ran a network for its test and evaluation community. Mr. Hurlburt developed dynamic system architecture designs that took real-world state changes into serious consideration. Active in his local community, he also remains engaged in architecture work through his affiliation with STEMCorp. Mr. Hurlburt’s work focuses on applied network science and complexity engineering. His aim is to create computational solutions that better illustrate nonlinear system behavior. Mr. Hurlburt specializes in operational architecture. He can be reached at ghurlburt@change-index.com.