Andrew Craig

Andrew S. Craig heads the IT leadership and governance stream of Carig, Ltd., and is also a Director of Board Coaching, Ltd. He is visiting Senior Research Fellow at the LSE, working in the Outsourcing Unit. Mr. Craig has coached executives, teams, and boards in the (UK) Defence Procurement Agency, the UK Border Agency, the leisure industry, Balfour Beatty, HSBC, and finance and fund management companies. In his professional Army career, as Brigadier, he directed the recruiting operation -- an annual requirement of 16,000 people -- and was responsible for human resources planning for a workforce of 120,000. He commanded engineering operations worldwide, including in the first Gulf War and in Bosnia, and led the UK's planned military response to nuclear, biological, and chemical terrorism. He was awarded an OBE in 1998. Mr. Craig can be reached at andrew.craig at