Robert Ogilvie
Robert “Bobby” Ogilvie is an executive strategist and emotional intelligence coach, helping STEM professionals develop executive skills by building their cognitive velocity and business strategy acumen. His background in psychology and assessments combine with his C-level tech industry experience and ICF-certified coaching abilities to ensure measurable and predictable leadership development. Mr. Ogilvie blends strategic foresight, flow, and business intelligence to help executives tackle complex problems and map out an adaptable future. In an era of inevitable disruptions and ever-changing markets, he coaches entrepreneurs and executives, honing their leadership skills one-on-one and working with their organizations on agility and managerial readiness. Mr. Ogilvie has been a business coaching mentor and lead organizer with several organizations, including Startup Weekend, Google Developer Groups, and the Project Management Institute. He holds three degrees, including in psychology with honors and technology management. In his graduate research, Mr. Ogilvie is profiling high-performing executive teams. He can be reached at bob.ogilvie@gmail.com