Executive Update

Collaborative KM

Posted July 4, 2011 | Leadership | Technology | Leadership |

In a 2010 Executive Update, I talked about the transition from a document-centric approach to knowledge management (KM) -- with its emphasis on content management systems (CMSs) and search engines -- to "social KM," in which, to quote the title I gave that Update: "It's not (just) what you know; it's who you know." 1

About The Author
Claude Baudoin
Claude Baudoin is a Cutter Expert and a member of Arthur D. Little's AMP open consulting network. He is a proven leader and visionary in IT and knowledge management (KM) with extensive experience working in a global environment. Mr. Baudoin has 35 years' experience and is passionate about quality, knowledge sharing, and providing honest and complete advice. There is today a convergence of knowledge management, the use of social networks in… Read More
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