Alan Chapell

Alan Chapell, CIPP, is President of Chapell & Associates, a consulting firm that helps companies understand privacy and incorporate consumer perception into product development. He has been in the interactive space for more than seven years with firms such as JupiterResearch, DoubleClick, and CheetahMail. Mr. Chapell founded Chapell & Associates in October 2003. Since then, he has worked with clients to ensure that they comply with existing privacy legislation, auditing their privacy practices, and managing their technology product development programs. Mr. Chapell, an attorney, was recently asked by California Congresswoman Mary Bono's office to provide input and additional verbiage for HR 2929 (the "Spy Act"). Mr. Chapell is widely recognized as a thought leader on issues of privacy, consumer perception, and interactive marketing. He is a regular contributor to iMedia Connection, DMNews, and the International Association of Privacy Professionals Privacy Officers Advisor. Mr. Chapell is the New York chapter cochair of the International Association of Privacy Professionals and publishes a daily blog on issues of consumer privacy. He can be reached at Web site, by e-mail at achapell at, and via phone at +1 212 675 1270 or +1 917 318 8440.