Jonas Fagerlund
Jonas Fagerlund is a Partner at Arthur D. Little (ADL), based in Stockholm, Sweden, where he leads ADL’s Global Private Equity Team. Mr. Fagerlund’s primary areas of experience are strategy development, M&A analysis (including commercial due diligences) and its resulting integration, cost and capital efficiencies, and sourcing cost reductions. His main industrial focus areas are electronics, telecom equipment, private equity, and healthcare providers. Mr. Fagerlund has been involved in several strategic planning engagements with clients in telecoms and electronics, including recommendations for how the organization structure should be adapted to best match the selected strategy; post-merger integration, including 100-day programs to ensure the realization of both synergies and effective implementation of a new organization structure; valuation and buy-out analysis of companies with hidden value-growth potential; several cases of cost and capital efficiency implementations; and commercial due diligence/market attractiveness projects. He holds two master’s of science degrees; one in industrial engineering and management from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, and another in business administration and economics from Gothenburg School of Economics and Commercial Law, Sweden. He can be reached at