Kathryn Brohman
Kathryn Brohman is Assistant Professor at the Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University (Canada). She completed her PhD at the University of Western Ontario and spent four years at the Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, before joining the faculty at Queen’s. Dr. Brohman focuses her research on customer service systems and IS development, specifically on the management of agile software development projects. Dr. Brohman has published refereed articles related to these topics in academic journals, including Decision Sciences, MIS Quarterly Executive, Harvard Business Review, Communications of the ACM, and others, as well as leading conferences in the MIS field. In teaching, she focuses primarily on project management, IS implementation, and IS strategy. She has published several teaching cases and exercises in these areas. Dr. Brohman has been recognized by earning a prestigious Lilly Teaching Fellowship, MIS Outstanding Teacher Award in 2001 and has been awarded by the University of Georgia’s Honors Association for four consecutive years. In industry, she serves as a consultant and coach in the management of agile software development projects. She can be reached at KBrohman at business.queensu.ca.