Florian Mosch

A graduate in civil engineering, Florian Mösch is a VP of Enterprise Integration & Architecture at T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH. He is responsible for all integration architecture matters and the corresponding technologies and standards. Mr. Mösch started his career at Digital Equipment Corp in Cologne, Germany, and in 1992 joined digital mobile radio DeTeCon in Bonn, Germany, where he was responsible for the project's PC and server technology in the data center. In 1993, T-Mobile was founded out of this and other projects. In the beginning, Mr. Mösch set up and managed the department managing the system operation office communications and the system design team. In 1999, he took over the leadership of the main department IS Engineering Services in IS application development. From 2004 on, he has specialized in integration technologies. Among others, Mr. Mösch was responsible for implementing a T-Mobile-wide EAI backbone. In March 2005, he became responsible for the European unit of T-Mobile associations for Enterprise Integration. Besides the operative responsibility for development and deployment, Mr. Mösch also looks after all strategic aspects of integration for the European T-Mobile Group. As Deutsche Telekom moves toward convergence for fixed and mobile customers in Germany, he is involved in architectural and integration topics on the Telekom Group level. Mr. Mösch can be reached at Florian.Moesch at t-mobile.de.