Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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This edition of The Cutter Edge explores how data demands a deep understanding of the trade-off between ethical business behaviors and unrestrained competition, three specific sources of organizational stress and the strategies for alleviating this stress, and more.
Tech accessibility is best served when there is inclusive design for people with disabilities (PWD) that starts from the design/user research phase and carries through the software development stage to the marketing cycle. When accessibility has not been embedded in the DevOps process, it shows.
Portfolio management is a valuable capability for the execution of corporate strategy. However, results often fail to meet expectations. But overcoming overoptimistic expectations and poor execution is less challenging with a realistic roadmap and framework. To be truly effective, portfolio management should be an extension and execution of corporate strategy, as is explored in this Advisor.
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If the ultimate goal of artificial intelligence (AI) is to efficiently replicate and exceed human thought for the good of humanity, then building trust requires that AI incorporate the multitude of sound human decision capabilities. Just reading this statement makes it clear that the journey toward AI ethics is no easy road.