Business Transformation Requires Transformational Leaders

Leadership and teaming skills are front and center in times of rapid change. Meet today’s constant disruption head on with expert guidance in leadership, business strategy, transformation, and innovation. Whether the disruption du jour is a digitally-driven upending of traditional business models, the pandemic-driven end to business as usual, or the change-driven challenge of staffing that meets your transformation plans—you’ll be prepared with cutting edge techniques and expert knowledge that enable strategic leadership.

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In light of the current, unprecedented global crisis, it’s crucial now more than ever to reevaluate your risk management process and ensure you are well prepared for what may lie ahead. Today’s executives must adapt their leadership and face the current crisis head-on with a proactive approach to risk management.

Although the technology for remote working (collaborative) has been around for 30 years, the adoption rate has been slow but steady. Now, all of a sudden, the adoption rate has shot up to almost 100%, as just about all nonessential industries are working remotely to help flatten the COVID-19 infection curve. This rapid adoption of remote working technologies has had a number of challenges.

COVID-19 is spreading at fast speed, and time is of the essence to share, coordinate, and take actions to mitigate pandemic propagation. Current centralized database solutions solve part of the problem, but require an overarching and time-consuming coordination between multiple government and health authorities, including the entire chain of decision makers to collect test data, analyze/diagnostic, register, monitor, and enforce regulations and policies to isolate and monitor COVID-19 cases. Blockchain DLT technology solves the coordination challenges of broken healthcare centralized data lake silos, creating an open, trusted, immutable, and decentralized data architecture framework to speed up a multi-party, end-to-end COVID-19 data-sharing coordination process, while preserving patients’ data privacy.

Make better decisions in these highly unpredictable times. Each of these four virtual exec ed sessions blends business school cases and lecture material with facilitated discussion to prepare your executive leadership to make better decisions in times of crisis.

Created for Virtual Delivery

COVID-19 has already had a massive impact on all our lives and is on track to continue doing so for some time. In this situation, technology is playing an increasing role in moving life and business forward. This will all have long-term, and potentially positive, impacts on society and how we run our lives.

In Part 2 of this on-demand webinar, series Dr. Laurel Austin explores why people make decisions contrary to data and experts’ advice and how organizations can improve their decision-making as they are faced with tough business decisions, whether pertaining to layoffs, abrupt changes in strategies and plans, or issuing guidelines related to coronavirus concerns.

Robert Fuchs explores the concept of employee “happiness.” Is employee happiness a responsibility of organizations? Well, Fuchs asserts that employee happiness is essential. Happi­ness is intimately connected to learning, growth, and transformation.

This Executive Update sets out a roadmap to help companies understand what becoming a digital company means for them and how a digital equilibrium can be achieved, based on experience with traditional, non-digital businesses.